Sunday, December 14, 2008


So -- after a couple weeks of unsuccessfully trying grean beans, applesauce, sweet potatoes, and other yummy foods ;) we finally found something Giovanni likes. PEARS! And now that he's eating those, he's also eating green beans, too (well....a little bit). What a big boy!

The cutest thing happened this afternoon.... something that hasn't happened since he was a newborn. Giovanni fell asleep on my chest and took a nap. It totally isn't like him to do that. But he cuddled up with his blanket and fell asleep on my belly. It was the most precious thing :).

I am officially done Christmas shopping for Giovanni. I hadn't been in Toys R Us for years. That place has way too many cool things. Laura and I went and played last night for awhile....I could have bought just about everything in the store! I didn't -- I was good! It sure is hard to make decisions, though, when there are way too many options to choose from.

Christmas is right around the corner. 5 more days of school and then a wonderful 2 week break. I can't wait!


Erin said...

I love that picture of Giovanni with Santa. Giovanni looks like he is planning his escape and Santa looks like he could have a little dose of Holiday cheer if you know what I mean!
He is getting so big-so fast.
So cute!!

Jen said...

It's funny that he hasn't likes the solids, Lauren. He's such a big eater otherwise. Gavin on the other hand hardly eats at all during the day, but has loved almost everything he's tried. These crazy boys!